What could have been — should’ve been. But can’t be.
There’s a well known, but hard to remember fact about love: it takes two people in a relationship for it work.
One person can’t force it, can’t make it work. No matter how hard they try. Two people have to work together and when they can’t… then it’s just one person trying so hard to get it right. Trying to patch the holes. Trying to build something.
Trying — And failing. Only getting hurt.
Of course, we want to think somehow we can make the change happen, convince the other person, make them see our way.
But we just can’t. They can’t see what they refuse to see. No matter how many times it’s thrust into their face. Doesn’t mean they don’t love you… just means they can’t see past their preconceived notions… or themselves.
At some point the stress and futility of trying becomes too much to bear. And there’s no other option than to just walk away.
Of course the person who wouldn’t try doesn’t feel the exhaustion and anguish the person who has been trying feels. They don’t understand why everything isn’t peachy keen. But the person who has been trying… they know. They know the toll it has taken on them mentally and emotionally and it’s all they can do to walk away in one piece.