Understanding Emotional Intelligence and How it Can Improve Management

Jennifer Schmidt
3 min readApr 4, 2023
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

What’s your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)? Not sure it’s important to know? Knowing your EQ is like shining a light into your personality and understanding how you’re able to identify and regulate your own emotions and understand those of others. If you’re a manager, or you want to be, this is incredibly valuable information to equip yourself with.

Particularly in the current job market, employers value employees with soft skills to support their knowledge and experience. Especially for management where the greatest amount of employee turnover can be mitigated with great managers. After all, people don’t leave jobs, they leave bosses.

In this article, I am going to dive into EQ and how it can help you improve your professional life — even nail that promotion you’ve been eyeing. If you can prove your EQ, you can prove you have value beyond the KPIs and financial goals you meet.

Where does EQ come from?

Travis Bradbury, the most notable EQ expert, quoted Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de Vauvenargues, in a TEDx talk, “Emotions have taught mankind to reason.” Interesting quote and one that is certainly true.

Our ability to reason stems from our experiences and the knowledge and…



Jennifer Schmidt
Jennifer Schmidt

Written by Jennifer Schmidt

Long-form thought leadership writer and content marketer for B2B and SaaS tech companies. Find me at: schmidtwrites.com

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