Date Someone Who Makes You Better

And other key traits to look for in a partner

Jennifer Schmidt
4 min readAug 14, 2020

The key to finding a partner who will love and except you as you are is to find a partner who appreciates who you are. Dating someone who is looking for qualities within you that you don’t possess is a quick way to end up alone and unhappy. Trying to pretend you have certain qualities that you don’t is also a one way ticket to unhappiness. However, dating someone who sees who you are, knows what your are capable of , and encourages you to be the best version of yourself.

I have been lucky to have two supportive relationships. However, it is my current relationship that has really taught me how important a cheerleader in your corner. My most favorite thing about my partner is how much he encourages and supports me in anything I think to do. Including things I choose to do that he might not agree with. He is always there to push me and encourage me in ways I have never experienced before. Through this relationship, I have learned just how valuable this trait is in a partner.

Your partner should enhance your life

In a healthy relationship your partner should contribute to your life. Your life cannot revolve around them or theirs around you. Rather, the two of you should add something to the other’s lives that…



Jennifer Schmidt

Long-form thought leadership writer and content marketer for B2B and SaaS tech companies. Find me at: